How do you maintain your leadership edge? Is it time for a spring tune-up?
Last weekend the spring delivery of bark dust arrived for our yard. I scaled the order back from two units last year to a unit and a half this year. Still looks like a lot. Last year the pile stayed in our driveway for months. Not because I wasn’t diligent, in fact I spent almost every weekend clearing weeds and spreading bark dust. I finally hired help to get it done. It was more time consuming than I had anticipated. It was a huge job but when we were done the yard looked great!
I am learning. This year I’ve started pulling weeds earlier, and while they’re still small.
Spreading bark dust is good prevention for weeds and doing it early makes a huge difference. It is still hard work, but I am envisioning that mountain of bark dust moved within the next two weeks and enjoying both my driveway and the yard longer.
Isn’t it similar to maintaining your leadership capacity? Are you aware of the weeds that can sprout in your behavior as CEO or executive? Those habits you are still battling that hamper your ultimate success? How about the changes that have occurred in your business or in people that you aren’t skillfully addressing? Keeping up on the latest insights about how to lead your organization and how to best utilize talent within your organization?
Let me encourage you to think about maintenance of your leadership capacity as one of the best investments you can make. We maintain our yards because we want our home and gardens to look their best. Maintenance of your leadership capacity will allow you to make your greatest positive impact where it is needed.
Here are some maintenance tips from V2A Solutions:
1. Recognize that your best leadership performance comes as the result of practice, just as a professional athlete continues to work on the fundamentals your investment in staying sharp through training and coaching makes a difference. Be conscious about sharpening your skills.
2. Pause and take time to reflect on the leadership impact you want to make this year and seek out training, coaching, or even visiting a leader you admire for insights and inspiration for what you can do to accomplish your outcome objectives.
3. Consider signing up for training or a professional conference and go with a colleague so you can share rides, ideas, and learning practices together. Executives tend to isolate and leadership is a social practice. There is strength and confidence in numbers. Don’t go it alone.
Here are some important leadership maintenance choices offered by V2A Solutions:
• If you haven’t signed up for our regular newsletters you can do so here. You will be notified of updates and other goodies if you are a regular newsletter subscriber. Register now at the right.
• Consider attending the Leadership Results 365, High Performance Teamwork, or Communicating for Results workshops if you haven’t already. You can even get a discount for a refresher class. Each time we run these workshops they get better and graduates know how to best leverage their core nature and use their leadership and management talents with greater skill.
• Check out our new Remarkable Freedom Series of workshops. We are adding experts to the V2A Solutions team who bring their expertise combined with the Vision to Action Leadership™ concepts to bring increased freedom and joy to every aspect of your life. April 21st we are hosting: The Way of Wealth Workshop. Check it out.
Tell us what’s on your mind and how we can best help you. Visit our survey area and let us know what you need most to bring your vision into reality.
Be encouraged,