Master and Grow Your Ability to Consistently Produce Results
Do you regularly find that there isn’t enough time to get all the things done that are most important to you? What would it be worth if you could access your greatest potential each day to create the results you need?
What would this mean in your personal life? How would this change the performance of your business? What would you do with the new time and money you could create? We can give you the critical information and the process so you are able to consistently have your desired results 365 days a year!
Achieving these kinds of results requires more than hard work and commitment. It involves achieving a deliberate balance between your personal capacities and the connection to the broader purpose of your life and your business. In this energy-releasing half-day workshop you will learn:
- How to use the four sources of your personal leadership energy effectively
- Why continuing to live in the failure zone drains your energy, creating a failure cycle that wears you down
- Your unique and personal success formula
- The ten streams of personal leadership effectiveness
- How to identify and eliminate conflict that sabotages your intended results
- How to develop your personal results-building plan
- Why creating results through others is easier than you think
Included in the price of this workshop is a highly accurate personal assessment tool giving you valuable information about your innate, unchanging nature — the hard wiring that directly reveals your unique leadership capacity to consistently produce results. Knowing this information allows you to leverage the highly effective V2A results-producing formula. Past clients have indicated that applying the information from this workshop was one of the most valuable leadership experiences they’ve had.