- V2A Executive Forum
- Leadership Results 365 Workshop
- Executive Coaching
- Communicating for Results Workshop
- High Performing Team Workshop
- Vision to Action Workshop
- Accurate Hiring System
- Lunch and Learn Series
- Strategic Planning
- Executive Team Development
- Customized Executive Team Retreats
V2A Executive Forum
Are you an enterprising CEO hungry to know how to increase both profits and productivity? Do you feel alone and wonder if there is a better way to grow a business? Do you feel challenged because your business is calling for a new level of maturity in your leadership and management skills so you can consistently produce the results you seek?
Leadership Results 365
Master and Grow Your Ability to Consistently Produce Results
Do you regularly find that there isn’t enough time to get all the things done that are most important to you? What would it be worth if you could access your greatest potential each day to create the results you need? What would this mean in your personal life? How would this change the performance of your business? What would you do with the new time and money you could create? We can give you the critical information and the process so you are able to consistently have your desired results 365 days a year!
Executive Coaching
The research over the last twenty years proves the value of executive coaching. If you are looking for ways to become a more effective executive, then finding a good executive coach is important. But how do you find a coach that will bring you the greatest return on your investment?
Communicating for Results
Mastering Communication is an Essential Executive Skill — Learn How to Avoid Five Common Pitfalls Facing Every Leader
Are you able to consistently communicate ideas and requests so they get accomplished in and through others? Do your people trust and respect you? Does your communication cause people to get motivated and then apply the necessary willpower to overcome obstacles and challenges while maintaining good working relationships?
Creating High Performance Teams
Build consistently high-performing teams by breaking the accepted rules of business teamwork.
Gain a sustainable competitive advantage through your people.
How profitable could your organization be if you were able to consistently build high performing teams capable of exceeding past performance? How competitive would you be in the marketplace if you were able to tap the true potential of each and every member of a team?
Vision to Action Workshop
What if simply the power of your imagination backed by your passion and the ability to construct a clear picture of a compelling future would automatically put people and resources into motion to make it happen? Guess what, this really happens and you can learn the methodology and the steps to do it in your business now!
Lunch and Learn Series
V2A Solutions Lunch and Learn series uses an innovative blended learning format to make professional development SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE, DOABLE! Complete the online program on your own time and then meet once a month at our Lake Oswego offices to challenge and reinforce your learning. Each of the titles of the monthly session is highly relevant and action based making it easy to absorb. The audiences for this program are team leaders, supervisors, and first-line managers. Begin adding to your ability now to get things done through others!
Customize Executive Team Retreats
Vision to Action: Customized Executive Team Retreats
There is something valuable about getting off-site for a team retreat. Annually, quarterly, or any time when it is necessary to accomplish special team development objectives, an off-site retreat can be either a highly productive and cost-effective venture or a large investment with little return in results.
We have been helping companies like yours successfully design and facilitate off-site events that are highly productive and cost effective for over twenty years.
Our experience in helping you design, plan, prepare, and facilitate your off-site will help ensure you get the results you seek from your investment in time and money.
For a FREE assessment of how to achieve a high-impact result from your next off-site retreat, contact us.
Strategic Planning
Vision to Action: Strategic Planning That Works
Being strategic is imperative in today’s fast-paced and highly volatile marketplace. What is your experience with strategic planning? In our observation, most strategic planning efforts are rarely effective and the result of hours of effort ends up spending time on some shelf rather than being put to action by the people within your organization.
Executive Team Development
Vision to Action: Executive Team Development
Are you frustrated by the inability of your executive team to overcome what should be simple obstacles to achieving profit and production goals? Does it seem like you keep having the same conversations over and over again, producing the same disappointing results? Good intentions just don’t seem to make a difference do they? Are members of the team holding their traditional positions while the competitive market is demanding change and innovation from your company and you fear the windows of opportunity will be missed if something doesn’t change on your team?
Well you are not alone. This is a common problem executive teams face, and even though you may have the courage to point out the problem, that alone won’t get you all beyond it. The truth is you are stuck in old patterns and habitual behavior and only an improvement in the collective executive skills combined with effective practice will provide you the breakthrough you seek.
What makes it even more frustrating is the latest and greatest information from the self help books at the bookstore won’t impact the thing that has you hung up. The root of your problem lives in the thinking, your combined behaviors, and the habits the team has formed over time. New members of the team will easily see the issues, but over time they also will be co-opted into the current culture and, more often than not, the frustrating elements that bind you all to the past mediocre performance.
We can help. As executive skills experts we can assess and diagnose the root cause of your being stuck and can prescribe a solution and the support system to truly create an executive team breakthrough. You will learn what binds you to the past while discovering the success zones within your team you can begin to leverage to break through to achieving the goals that are important to you.
Contact us and learn about an affordable, quick and freeing initial executive team assessment we can conduct for you that will generate the motivation, clarity, and willpower to create the change you know needs to happen.