Performance Feedback
Providing Performance Feedback is one of the courses included in the V2A Solutions Leadership Essentials Series. It focuses on interpersonal skills, emphasizing communication and improvement of management skills by using behavior modeling. The audiences for this course are team leaders, supervisors, and first-line managers.
Providing Performance Feedback shows the way evaluation is done by the experts. First, relevant performance standards are established. Then the team member’s own performance evaluation is solicited. This accomplished, the stage is set for a summary evaluation that will be clear and credible to the team member.
When you have completed the Providing Performance Feedback course, you will be able to conduct a successful meeting with a team member to coach them on how to perform a job, task, or skill by:
- Basing assessments on facts and behavior.
- Assessing performance.
- Using positive performance feedback to encourage self-motivation of team members.
- Gaining team member participation in assessment.
- Gaining team member agreement with the assessment.
- Gaining team member commitment to the change needed to improve the performance.